Saturday, December 1, 2018

In case you haven't heard, the latest way to lose weight and feel good about it is called Red Tea! On top of that it is all natural and also cleanses your body plus detoxifies you. Check the video out which explains some of the important aspects of the Red Tea Detox program. for even more info click here:For even more info and how to get a great deal on Red Tea Detox Plan

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Weight Loss with Red Tea Detox


Discover the Amazing Weight loss
& Health Benefits of Red Tea

By Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller

A common mistake made by many dieters is not taking into account what they drink. The truth is the fluids you consume can have just as big an impact on your waistline – and your health – as the foods you eat.

Of course, that means for dieters who are serious about losing weight - no more soda and no more alcohol … But what about green tea and black tea?

Are these teas good for you – or could they actually cause you to gain unwanted weight?

The answer may surprise you. You see, most people think green tea, in particular, can help you lose weight not gain it … But that may not necessarily be the case.

Several studies have shown that green tea does not affect weight loss.

For example, a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2009 found that green tea extract did not affect the resting metabolic rate of 12 normal weight men.

Meanwhile, a Cochrane Review of green tea research found that green tea led to only small, statistically insignificant weight loss in overweight or obese adults. The review also noted that regular consumption of green tea didn't help people keep weight off.

In addition to these alarming findings, there could be another problem – if you are putting sugar into your green tea that could be a source of extra calories that you are not accounting for.

According to experts, some people who are frequent tea drinkers may consume up to 300 calories or more a day from sugar.

So what about Black tea?

Black tea is actually “burnt green tea,” and it is full of caffeine just like regular green tea. Ingesting too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting and “jittery” feelings.

Even if you drink decaffeinated green or black tea, the decaffeination process destroys much of the natural ingredients. It makes more sense to drink a tea that naturally contains no caffeine (like the tea I’m going to reveal in just a moment).

Another common problem with black tea is that it is often taken with milk, which slows down the absorption rate of valuable antioxidants and polyphenols. Surprisingly, skim milk slows this process down at a greater extent than whole milk.

So if green tea and black tea are not ideal for weight loss what should the responsible dieter drink?

The answer was found in the jungles of Africa where Kenyan tribesmen drink red tea to eliminate hunger pangs while they hunt for their next meal.

Red tea not only gets rid of hunger pangs, but it also promotes fat burning and boosts energy without relying on caffeine. That’s right, red tea is caffeine free.

Red tea is basically the perfect health drink. It’s refreshing and tasty, hot or iced. It helps clear toxins ... it reduces fat-storing hormones ... and it promotes the production of fat-burning hormones ... all while naturally reducing stress and balancing insulin.

I’m a naturopath, and I’ve spent years studying the benefits and side effects of each of the 5 unique ingredients that go into red tea. It’s these ingredients, which can be found at the local supermarket, working together that makes red tea the ultimate metabolism-boosting, fat-busting, energy-revitalizing drink ... and these ingredients are not found in green or black tea.

Red tea is caffeine free, vegan and vegetarian safe, dairy free, gluten free and sugar-free.

It’s a great alternative to caffeine — with absolutely no jitters, so “flushing fat away” is safe and rapid. Red tea also contains no fats or carbohydrates. The flavor is mild and slightly sweet.

One more thing about red tea, it has no oxalic acid, so there is no risk of kidney stones, unlike with black and green teas. It also has very low tannin levels so it’s much better for you than green and black teas that have high tannin levels and can bind iron.

One great thing about red tea is that it is packed full of powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative damage caused by toxins in your body and that are scientifically proven to have an antibacterial, antiparasitic and antiviral action to boost your immunity.

The bottom line is drinking delicious red tea not only “halts hunger” but can also reverse the harm caused by the built-up toxins in your fat cells with its powerful antioxidants.

That’s why I believe that red tea could be the breakthrough many people who have been struggling to lose fat have been waiting for.

It’s a delicious red tea that requires no doctor’s visits, no lectures about losing weight, no expensive pills, no starving yourself and no intense workouts...

And best of all — it helps eliminate harmful fat by working with your body’s natural fat-burning metabolism and doing it all — without you feeling any cravings or hunger pangs!

Imagine ... Enjoying the foods, you love: steak, a beer, or even a dessert completely guilt-free.

Imagine ... Living a life free of expensive prescriptions and endless doctor’s visits to renew the pills.

And imagine... Feeling good, and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat...
… All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing red teas ever discovered.

That’s what is possible with the new Red Tea Detox Program utilizing red tea along with several myth-busting diet rules this program can help you lose up to 14 pounds in just 14 days.

With the program, you get everything you need to lose weight including the red tea recipe and all the sources for the 5 unique ingredients (which can be found at any grocery store for pennies).

You also get:

·         A complete 14-day meal plan that includes recipes for satisfying, delicious snacks to halt any cravings instantly. The meal plan covers four phases: The Red Tea Detox Diet Phase 1: Days 1 – 5; The Red Tea Detox Phase 2: Day 6; The Red Tea Detox Phase 3: Days 7 and 8; Phase 4: Calorie Restriction Based on BMR

·         The Red Tea Detox Exercise Plan, which has the potential to almost double your fat-burning results.

·         The Red Tea Detox Willpower Motivation and Mindset Plan, which dispels the common myths about willpower and makes sure you, stay motivated to lose a maximum amount of weight.

The Red Tea Detox works equally well for both women and men. It also doesn’t matter if you have a lot of weight to lose or just a few pounds, it can quickly help you achieve your weight loss goal. This program is ideal for anyone who is concerned about their health (especially if you are over the age of 35) … Anyone who wants to lose stubborn fat around their belly, butt, and thighs ... Anyone who wants to lose weight without feeling hungry or unsatisfied.

It doesn’t matter how stubborn that belly fat has been The Red Tea Detox can help you lose unwanted weight. You’ll rebalance your fat loss hormones and unblock crucial metabolic fat-burning steps so you can control your fat-burning and fat-storing hormones and do it as easy as 1-2-3.

To learn much more about this powerful program and how it can help you lose even the most stubborn fat, click here now. No other detox program contains these 5 unique ingredients scientifically proven to unlock stubborn fat cells, release hard-to-lose fat deposits, and flush fat away.

Your body uses multiple steps to release fat naturally. Even if just one step is blocked, your fat loss will grind to a halt. This gets crucial the older you get because you are more likely to have one or more of these steps blocked.

The Red Tea Detox System unblocks all these steps – that’s why it is 100% guaranteed to help you burn fat and lose all the weight you want.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

                    The Benefits of Lemon Water

Lemon water is a simple and surprisingly healthy internal cleanser to start your day with. I certainly noticed a difference myself when I first started having the juice of a whole lemon in water first thing in the morning. I really like the way the sharp taste wakes you up and gets you going.
Some resources say that it’s good to have it in warm or even hot water. I suppose in this way you could use it as a healthier replacement for your morning coffee, but I personally prefer it in room temperature filtered water. It’s best to not have it in chilled water though as this can be a bit of a shock to your digestive system when you’ve only just woken up.
t’s also far better to use real lemon juice rather than lemon juice concentrate as these products usually contain sulfites, a preservative some people have a negative reaction to. Natural enzymes, antioxidants and vitamins are also likely to be lost in the manufacturing process so go for real lemons for the most benefits.

    Easy way to make Lemon Juice in Water
  • Grab a fresh lemon.
  • Squeeze as much juice as you can from the lemon.
  • Remove the seeds and pour water over the juicer to get as much of the lemon as possible.
Then pour it into a glass and drink it straight down.

Friday, October 5, 2018

What you need to know about Cholesterol

          Everything you need to know about Cholesterol!

First of all what is the definition of  Cholesterol?

 Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that's found in all the cells in your body. Your body needs some cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs.
Another article describes it this way:
Cholesterol is a chemical compound that the body requires as a building block for cell membranes and for hormones like estrogen and testosterone. The liver produces about 80% of the body's cholesterol and the rest comes from dietary sources like meat, poultry, eggs, fish, and dairy products. Foods derived from plants contain no cholesterol.
Cholesterol content in the bloodstream is regulated by the liver. After a meal, cholesterol in the diet is absorbed from the small intestine and metabolized and stored in the liver. As the body requires cholesterol, it may be secreted by the liver.
When too much cholesterol is present in the body, it can build up in deposits called plaque along the inside walls of arteries, causing them to narrow.

Cholesterol Levels

What are LDL and HDL Cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol is called "bad" cholesterol, because elevated levels of LDL cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. LDL lipoprotein deposits cholesterol along the inside of artery walls, causing the formation of a hard, thick substance called cholesterol plaque.
HDL cholesterol is called the "good cholesterol" because HDL cholesterol particles prevent atherosclerosis by extracting cholesterol from the artery walls and disposing of them through the liver. Thus, high levels of LDL cholesterol and low levels of HDL cholesterol (high LDL/HDL ratios) are risk factors for atherosclerosis, while low levels of LDL cholesterol and high levels of HDL cholesterol (low LDL/HDL ratios) are desirable and protect against heart disease and stroke.

Cholesterol chart and graph

Cholesterol Levels

What are LDL and HDL Cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol is called "bad" cholesterol, because elevated levels of LDL cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. LDL lipoprotein deposits cholesterol along the inside of artery walls, causing the formation of a hard, thick substance called cholesterol plaque.
HDL cholesterol is called the "good cholesterol" because HDL cholesterol particles prevent atherosclerosis by extracting cholesterol from the artery walls and disposing of them through the liver. Thus, high levels of LDL cholesterol and low levels of HDL cholesterol (high LDL/HDL ratios) are risk factors for atherosclerosis, while low levels of LDL cholesterol and high levels of HDL cholesterol (low LDL/HDL ratios) are desirable and protect against heart disease and stroke.

Why is high cholesterol dangerous?

Elevated cholesterol levels are one of the risk factors for heart diseasestroke, and peripheral artery disease. The mechanism involving cholesterol in all three diseases is the same; plaque buildup within arteries decreases blood flow affecting the function of the cells and organs that these blood vessels supply.

Where does cholesterol come from?

The liver is responsible for managing the levels of LDL in the body. It manufactures and secretes LDL into the bloodstream. There are receptors on liver cells that can "monitor" and try to adjust the LDL levels. However, if there are fewer liver cells or if they do not function effectively, the LDL level may rise.
Diet and genetics both play a factor in a person's cholesterol levels. There may be a genetic predisposition for familial hypercholesterolemia (hyper=more = cholesterol + emia=blood) where the number of liver receptor cells is low and LDL levels rise causing the potential for atherosclerotic heart disease at a younger age.
In the diet, cholesterol comes from saturated fats that are found in meats, eggs, and dairy products. Excess intake can cause LDL levels in the blood to rise. Some vegetable oils made from coconut, palm, and cocoa are also high in saturated fats.

What are normal cholesterol levels?

Blood tests are required to measure total cholesterol and lipoproteins. For a complete lipoprotein analysis, the patient should be fasting for at least 12 hours.
The National Cholesterol Education Program endorsed by the American Heart Association suggests the following risk guidelines for levels of total cholesterol, HDL, and LDL:
Cholesterol Risk Guidelines
Total Cholesterol (mg/dL)
< 200Desirable
200 to 239Borderline high
> 240High
HDL (mg/dL)
< 40Low
> 60High
LDL (mg/dL)
< 100Optimal
100 to 129Near Optimal
130 to 159Borderline high
160 to 189Near high
> 190High

The goal is to have patients modify lifestyle and diet to maintain cholesterol levels within the normal range. It is important to remember that HDL may protect a patient from heart disease and it may be a treatment goal to raise a too low level of HDL. .
Learn how to optimize Cholesterol by watching this video from Mark Hymen MD.How to Optimize Cholesterol
In my next article we will discuss the various foods to raise HDL, (good) and how to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.


Friday, March 25, 2016

What Exactly Is Good Nutrition?

Secretly we all want just a few things in life, none the least of which is to live a life that is healthy and energetic. One way to accomplish this is to eat a well balanced diet that fuels the body to take on life's challenges.
Did you know that one of the best things you can do to improve your overall health and well being is to eat a diet that is well rounded and nutritious?

Diet can make the difference between feeling great and feeling just o.k. But how do you know which foods will propel you to health and well being?
Proper nutrition is easy. In fact, all you need to do to ensure your health and well being is follow five simple steps, outlined below.

Top Five Tips for Maintaining Optimal Nutrition

Eat a well balanced diet. This means you have to incorporate foods from each of the four food groups.

Adopt the phrase moderation. At no time should you consider some foods 'bad' and other foods 'good'. Rather, all foods can be nourishing if they are eaten in moderation. Chocolate cake will not make you fat if you don't eat it every day for dinner!

Take a multi-vitamin. Even the healthiest dieter may not get all of the vitamins and nutrients they need from diet alone. Why? Our bodies aren't always able to absorb nutrients efficiently from the foods we eat. Thus it is important to take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement daily.

Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your diet, and even contribute to weight gain.

- Exercise daily. Even 10 minutes of routine exercise can help your body maintain its peak fitness level.

Excessive consumption of alcohol can also wreak havoc on your diet. Alcohol inhibits the body's ability to absorb vital nutrients, such as calcium. In addition, alcohol in the evening can interfere with your sleep cycle.

Other things you can do to improve you nutrition include incorporating lean proteins and fish into your diet. Fatty fishes including salmon provide key nutrients called "essential fatty acids" which help your brains ability to function properly.

Nutrition is a choice. For you to be the healthiest person you can be, it is vital that you make choices that are good for you and your well being. Adopting just a couple of the strategies above will help you tremendously on your journey toward optimal health.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Foods that we all should avoid,top nutritionists do!

    Basically it comes down to:

  1. Hot dogs, bacon, and sausages
  2.   Processed pastries
  3. .Stick margarines
  4. Sugar-packed