Friday, March 25, 2016

What Exactly Is Good Nutrition?

Secretly we all want just a few things in life, none the least of which is to live a life that is healthy and energetic. One way to accomplish this is to eat a well balanced diet that fuels the body to take on life's challenges.
Did you know that one of the best things you can do to improve your overall health and well being is to eat a diet that is well rounded and nutritious?

Diet can make the difference between feeling great and feeling just o.k. But how do you know which foods will propel you to health and well being?
Proper nutrition is easy. In fact, all you need to do to ensure your health and well being is follow five simple steps, outlined below.

Top Five Tips for Maintaining Optimal Nutrition

Eat a well balanced diet. This means you have to incorporate foods from each of the four food groups.

Adopt the phrase moderation. At no time should you consider some foods 'bad' and other foods 'good'. Rather, all foods can be nourishing if they are eaten in moderation. Chocolate cake will not make you fat if you don't eat it every day for dinner!

Take a multi-vitamin. Even the healthiest dieter may not get all of the vitamins and nutrients they need from diet alone. Why? Our bodies aren't always able to absorb nutrients efficiently from the foods we eat. Thus it is important to take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement daily.

Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your diet, and even contribute to weight gain.

- Exercise daily. Even 10 minutes of routine exercise can help your body maintain its peak fitness level.

Excessive consumption of alcohol can also wreak havoc on your diet. Alcohol inhibits the body's ability to absorb vital nutrients, such as calcium. In addition, alcohol in the evening can interfere with your sleep cycle.

Other things you can do to improve you nutrition include incorporating lean proteins and fish into your diet. Fatty fishes including salmon provide key nutrients called "essential fatty acids" which help your brains ability to function properly.

Nutrition is a choice. For you to be the healthiest person you can be, it is vital that you make choices that are good for you and your well being. Adopting just a couple of the strategies above will help you tremendously on your journey toward optimal health.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Foods that we all should avoid,top nutritionists do!

    Basically it comes down to:

  1. Hot dogs, bacon, and sausages
  2.   Processed pastries
  3. .Stick margarines
  4. Sugar-packed
Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

In this 5 minute video you will learn about some ,but not all, benefits of apple cider vinegar. I will say, be careful if you have acid reflux, such as myself! Some interesting facts are it can reduce leg cramps,create weight loss,detoxify, and give you and energy boost.

Be sure to click on the link at the top of this page to watch the video!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Turmeric....all natural and no prescription needed!

Alzheimer’s disease is the number one cause of dementia in the elderly…and your risk for it doubles every 5 years past age 65. Parkinson’s disease affects at least 1 million Americans…and approximately 60,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. An inexpensive spice called turmeric contains a highly protective compound that has been shown to help protect against these neurodegenerative conditions.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

IMPORTANT NEWS ON THE  mosquito-borne Zika virus

The mosquito-borne Zika virus may infect up to four million people, the World Health Organization said, as the agency convened to decide if the outbreak should be declared an international health emergency.
Margaret Chan, WHO director-general, said in a statement on Thursday that the level of alarm was "extremely high".
"Last year, the virus was detected in the Americas, where it is now spreading explosively. As of today, cases have been reported in 23 countries and territories in the region," Chan said.
"Arrival of the virus in some places has been associated with a steep increase in the birth of babies with abnormally small heads and [with] cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome." The syndrome can cause temporary paralysis.

WHO: Zika virus to spread to much of Americas

Meanwhile, Marcos Espinal, an infectious disease expert at WHO's Americas' regional office, said: "We can expect three to four million cases of Zika virus disease." He gave no time frame, the Reuters news agency reported.
Chan said a causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth malformations and neurological syndromes was not yet established, but was "strongly suspected".
She said the emergency committee would advise her on Monday in Geneva on the appropriate level of international concern and on recommended measures that should be undertaken in affected countries and elsewhere. Chan will also ask the committee to prioritise areas where research is most urgently needed.
To step up its fight against the mosquito, Brazil has deployed thousands of municipal, state and federal workers, including soldiers, to scour cities for mosquito breeding grounds, fumigate and educate residents on the dangers of still and stagnant water, where the female insects lay their eggs.
On February 13, the government will deploy 220,000 troops in a one-day mobilisation to hand out leaflets and help identify potential trouble spots.
"All of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are trying to coordinate so that they take exactly the same measures to diminish not only the breeding grounds of this mosquito, which also carries dengue and chikungunya, but also to prevent it from spreading from one country to another," Al Jazeera's Lucia Newman reported from Santiago, the capital of Chile.
The Zika virus was first detected in 1947 in Uganda, and for decades, caused only mild diseases across Africa and equatorial Asia. But Chan noted that "the situation today is dramatically different".
There is no specific treatment or vaccine for Zika, which is related to Dengue. Scientists have struggled for years to develop a Dengue vaccine but have failed to create a viable shot so far.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

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